

Motivating Breakrooms

Connecting employee motivation and workplace while creating a social atmosphere is crucial. Motivated
employees are at the heart of productivity and profit for companies. Motivated employees are engaged employees. Humans generally tend to dislike change and prefer familiarity, especially at work. More than
ever, a comfortable work environment with modern facilities, the latest technology tools, natural light and surroundings, along with a relaxing break room all contribute to employee motivation and engagement.

Employees served in 2018.

lbs of food distributed in 2018


Aimed towards employee motivation & retention efforts for ultimate business success

Why a Micro Market?

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Employee Engagement

Happy employees are the best ambassadors for their organizations yielding significant reputational leverage to attract top talent, a premium in these times of human resources shortage. Our micro markets are designed to reflect your organization’s culture and employees’ preferences with access to chef-prepared food from local professionals as well as a wide assortment of pre-packaged options. Coolers are constantly replenished with more of your favorite and most popular items and we also constantly introduce new menu choices to give diners additional fresh options.

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